I teach or taught at the University Paris Saclay and CentraleSupélec for the department of Computer Science a full associate professor (MCF) service from 2019. The audiences were varied and at levels ranging from L3 to M2 in the School of Engineering (CentraleSupélec) and Master of Science (Msc) in AI on the CentraleSupélec side and DSBA (Data Sciences Business Analytics) on the ESSEC side (Higher School of Economics and Commercial Sciences).
From September 2024, I am co-responsible for the MSc AI of CentraleSupélec, Univ. Paris-Saclay.
Teaching for the department of Computer Science, University Paris Saclay and CentraleSupélec
- Machine learning (I am the responsible of the course), last year of master degree (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023,2024).
- Statistics and Machine learning for students in the first year of Engineering School (L3) (2023).
- Advances and reality of AI courses with Céline Hudelot (the responsible of the course), last year of master degree (2020, 2021).
- Ensemble Learning (I am the responsible of the course), last year of (AI and DSBA) master degree (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024).
- Information retrieval and massive data processing with Céline Hudelot, Wassila Ouerdane (co-responsible of the course), last year of bachelor degree (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024).
- Coding-Weeks with Céline Hudelot (the responsible of the course), last year of bachelor degree (2019, 2020, 2021).
- Information Systems and Programming with Gianluca Quericini (the responsible of the course) last year of bachelor degree (2019, 2020).
- Research Projects (I am the responsible of the course and each year I supervise one research project), last year of AI master degree (2019, 2020, 2021, 2023, 2024).
- Supervision of student projects in Digital Tech Year (gap year at Ecole CentraleSupélec between first and last year master degree) to develop "soft hard skills" (2019).
- International academic semester supervisor for students of CentraleSupélec carried out during the gap year between first and last year master degree (2021, 2022, 2023,2024).
- End-of-study internship tutor for students from CentraleSupélec in the AI mention and also a member of the jury for the final defense (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024).
- Supervision of student (AI or statistical modeling) projects for students in the first year of Engineering School (L3) (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022,2023).
- Jury member in AI or statistical project defenses of CantraleSupélec students.
I taught at the University of Grenoble Alpes:
- Algorithms for data processing with Eric Gaussier (the responsible of the course) and Thibaut Thonet.
- Computer Science and Probability courses with Massih-Reza Amini (the responsible of the course) and Nicolas Gast.
Teaching for the department of Computer Science, University of Grenoble Alpes
- I taught for the first year of master degree Algorithms for data processing recitation classes in python (PageRank algorithm, k-means, Multi-Layer Perceptron, hierarchical classification ( part 1, part 2 ).
- I taught for the third-year of undergraduate Computer Science and Probability courses (lectures, directed work classes, exams and practical work classes in python to learn linguistic models for detecting documents languages). This first part lasts five weeks. Then Nicolas gast teaches the second part of the course (convergence, Markov chains).
I worked more than 400h as a Lecturer and Research Assistant at the University of Montpellier, where I taught lessons and hold recitation classes (directed and practical work classes in R software) of four courses in probability, statistics, mathematical analysis and algebra.
Teaching for the department of Mathematics of the Faculté des Sciences of Montpellier and Polytech engineer School
- Responsible for the course unit ”Descriptive statistics and probability” (lectures, exams and held recitation classes) for the second year of 100 undergraduate computer science students (L2 Computer science).
- Taught for the third-year of undergraduate probability courses (L3 Fundamental and applied mathematics).
- Taught for the third-year of undergraduate probability and statistics recitation classes in R software to illustrate the taught biological concepts (L3 Geosciences and Biology).
- Taught for the second-year of undergraduate probability, statistics and mathematical analysis courses (Polytech engineer School).
Teaching for the department of Mathematics of the Faculté des Sciences of Montpellier
- Taught for the second-year of undergraduate Probability courses (lectures and recitation classes (with R software)), (L2 Fundamental and applied mathematics).
- Taught for the second-year of undergraduate Algebra and Statistics courses (lectures and recitation classes (with R software)), (L2 Geosciences and Biology).
Teaching for the department of Mathematics of the Faculté des Sciences of Montpellier
- Taught for the second-year of undergraduate Algebra and Statistics courses (lectures and recitation classes (with R software)), (L2 Geosciences and Biology).
Teaching for the department of Mathematics of the Faculté des Sciences of Montpellier
- Taught for the second-year of undergraduate Biostatistics courses (lectures and recitation classes (with R software)), (Polytech engineer School).
- Taught for the second-year of undergraduate Algebra and Statistics courses (lectures and recitation classes (with R software)), (L2 Geosciences and Biology).
You can find below some books that I advise for beginners:
- Le logiciel R (Maîtriser le langage, Effectuer des analyses statistiques), Pierre Lafaye de Micheaux, Rémy Drouilhet, Benoît Liquet.
- Initiation à la statistique avec R, Frédéric Bertrand, Myriam Maumy-Bertrand.
- Python Data Science Handbook, Jake VanderPlas